Be Iconic! by Queen Diva

Today's Diva's Diamonds: 3/18/21

Be Iconic! First we must know what is an icon? It is a person who is very successful or admired usually a pop star or movie actor. When I say "Be Iconic" what I mean is strive to be very successful in what you are great at doing whether you are a great juggler or seamstress or teacher... Be Iconic! You may not even know but to someone near to you or just watches you from afar thinks you are an icon. Did you even know that? There are many people who deem you to be successful and admire you greatly. Don't think that being an icon has anything to do with be rich or famous. That is not what the definition of icon means. 

Be Iconic! Be the best you can possibly be! Give your best even when you think no one is watching because let me tell you there is ALWAYS someone watching you! Yes, it is so very true! Have you ever been outside and fixing your clothes or looking in your mirror and then you look up and see someone watching you? LOL! You think that you are having a small moment to yourself but no there is always someone watching you, admiring you and thinking he is awesome, she is sensational I wanna be like him or her! 

Be Iconic! You are successful right where you are! Yes, you reading this! The only difference between you and somebody famous is the world doesn't know who you are. Being famous doesn't mean you are successful. It just means many people know who you are. But being an icon means you are successful or admired by those who do know and see you! Be Iconic! 

Just like a diamond you shine resplendently. Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter & Light,

Queen Diva


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