Answer Me This, Are You Happy? by Queen Diva


Today's Diva's Diamonds: 3-9-21

Answer Me This, Are You Happy? Think about that question for a minute. Are you thinking to yourself, "Yes, I'm happy" or "Yeah, I'm content" or "Naw, Not really?" I ask this question because I know many people who are not happy. They are not happy because they are not living the life they always wanted. Why are they not living the life they always wanted? Because they were afraid to take a chance. They didn't want to put in the work. To let go of being comfortable. To start something that will lead them into the unknown. 

Listen, life is far too short to not be happy. You have a choose to be happy and then take action to be happy. Happiness is based on happenings in your life. You have a choice to make something happen or not. Make the decision to make changes in your life to be happy. You have to do it for yourself. No one will rescue you from complacency. You have to do it for yourself.

Just like a diamond you shine resplendently. Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter & Light,

~Queen Diva


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