Your Voice Matters So Share It by Queen Diva

 Diva's Diamonds for 3-1-21

Your Voice Matters So Share It! This is the first day of March 2021 and that means it's Women's History Month! What I love about this month as a woman I am reminded by all the history I learn that women all over the world contributed something when they shared their voice! Your voice is more than just what you say but its what you contribute to the world. It can be a novel, a song, a poem, a dance routine, an invention and so on. Just imagine if all of the women we read about today did not share their voice. How would we treat tumors? (Marie Curie) What would we be wearing? (Coco Chanel) Who would be caring for us? (Florence Nightingale) Your Voice Matters So Share It! Just like a diamond you shine resplendently. Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already flawless! I bid you

Love, Laughter and Light!

~Queen Diva


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