Diva's Diamonds: Where is your HOPE? by Queen Diva 1-6-11

Today's Diva's Diamonds:
Where is your Hope?....I woke up this morning with the words, "Lord, you are good and your mercy endureth for forever....People of every nation and tongue...from generation to generation...WE worship you...Hallelujah! Hallelujah! We worship you....for who YOU are!" These words are the lyrics to the song "You Are Good" by Israel Houghton! Those words are so powerful and it blessed me when I opened my eyes this morning and heard that song! Then I started to move around and I started to be "concerned"...not "WORRIED" but "concerned" about how was I gonna do this and how was I gonna do that? God said to me, Good Morning, Sunshine....Where is your HOPE?

LOL! I had to laugh because after all I have endured on my journey as a minister in the last 7 years and I always knew God would handle every situation I started my day thinking about things I had no control over for God said that HE's got it! And then God just asks a simple question...Where is your HOPE? I then instantly dropped the thought of "concern" and went upon my morning duties!

I ask you today....Where is your HOPE? When the enemy comes at you like a FLOOD and it looks like there is no where to turn or anyone to help you...Where is your HOPE? When you are to our last dime and you need gas money just to get to work for the next two days....Where is your HOPE? Or you have no money in the bank and you have enough money to pay the light bill but no money to buy food until the next check....Where is your HOPE?

I'll tell you where your HOPE is....It's in Jesus Christ the LORD! Just give your cares to HIM! I mean all of your cares and not of them that you THINK you can handle....NO! All of your cares to Jesus and watch miracles happen! I'm a living witness....HOPE springs ETERNAL and as long as you have HOPE....NOTHING is Impossible for GOD works BEST in IMPOSSIBLE situations!

Just like a diamond you shine resplendently...Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva


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