Diva's Diamonds: Sing To The Sheep by Queen Diva 1-10-11

Today's Diva's Diamonds:
Sing to the Sheep...While you are waiting...sing to the SHEEP! That's what I heard just before I started to write this blog today. I was reading an old blog of mine that I used to write when I was on the air locally on a public radio station here in Houston, Texas. It's been 5 years since I wrote a simple question..."Which Biblical Character Are You Most Like?" Then I listed some of the most popular characters and who they were:

Abraham "Father of many nations" (A prophet)
David ""Beloved" (A king)
Peter "A Rock" (A disciple)
Mary "Bitter" (Martha's sister)
Joshua "Jehovah saves" (A soldier)
Esther "star" (A queen)
Joseph "God will increase" (A dreamer)

Then God told me I am most like Joseph (A Dreamer) and Esther (A Queen), but also like David who was not only a King but a Psalmist. I woke up feeling a little discouraged because although I have a single out, I'm a Vocal Director/Worship Leader at my present "assignment" I feel like I should be heard and SING so much more. I've been singing professionally all over the country since 1994 but I have been still since 2003 when God placed me back in Houston after years of trying to make it in the music industry in New York City. I've sung at concert halls, foyers, churches, coffee houses, night clubs and bars. Mostly to tables and chairs but on a rare occasion to standing room only crowds.

God told me...Just think about David when he was young. He was anointed to be king at 15 years old by Samuel out of all of his handsome, strong, rugged brothers who were soldiers and leaders in the army. But as soon as he was anointed where did he go....back tending SHEEP. David went back to his duty of tending SHEEP and being an obedient son to JESSE, which means WEALTHY, doing what he was required to do as his youngest son. David knew he was anointed to be king one day but it didn't take root in his spirit until years later. In the meantime...David would SING TO THE SHEEP. David would write songs to glorify me and praise me in excellence and with a smile on his face. That is exactly what I want you to do my daughter....SING TO THE SHEEP.

I'm sharing my conversation with God today because many of you are DISCOURAGED by where you are in your life and you feel you should be doing so much MORE! That strong desire that is in you is there for a specific PURPOSE for you to PRESS on towards the MARK or VISION that God has given to you. It's not to be discouraged or SAD that you are not where you want to be. You are where you are suppose to be RIGHT NOW! But at the same time you are to SING TO THE SHEEP in excellence for they need your SERVICE (MINISTRY) no matter how big or small the duty, audience or place of work you are today.

Just like David...God will make room for your TALENTS and someone will mention your NAME and find you and bring you to the PALACE before the KING and YOU WILL BE ELEVATED! But not before God says....It's TIME to SHINE like the FLAWLESS DIAMOND YOU ALREADY ARE!

So in the meantime....Sing to the Sheep! Baaaaahhh! LOL!

Just like a diamond you shine resplendently...Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva


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