Look Back, But Don't Stay In The Past! by Queen Diva


Today's Diva's Diamonds: 4/15/21

Look Back, But Don't Stay In The Past! Today is Throwback Thursday and every week on Thursdays in social media we all share vintage photos of ourselves back in the day! It's fun, its nostalgia that makes us smile, cry and reminisce on wonderful memories we created with friends, family and loved ones! That is wonderful!

Look Back, But Don't Stay In The Past! Then there are those of us that constantly talk about the "Good-Old-Days" and never seem to want to talk about the present or the future! I am concerned about those who do not want to move forward or embrace the outstanding life we have right now! Yes, the past was great and even not-so-great! Yet the present is amazing too! And the future is even better!

Look Back, But Don't Stay In The Past! I am not saying there is anything wrong with "Throwback Thursdays or Flashback Fridays or even Sentimental Sundays or Saturdays!" I have shared on all of those days myself! LOL! What I am saying is that it is not healthy to always want to talk about the past and romanticize it when it wasn't all roses and champagne! Try to have balance and think about how awesome your life is now, technology, opportunities for entrepreneurs, going to school and connecting with people online that you would never have the chance to do in the past!

Look Back, But Don't Stay In The Past! I love seeing your posts on the past! I really do, but when some people keep going on and on about how a certain decade of music was better than the present or the jobs, cost of living and so you are blocking your present and future opportunities to enjoy life NOW!

I know you know what I am saying! LOL! Enjoy your Throwback Thursday! Flashback Friday and so on! Remember to share what you are doing, going or achieving in the present and future too!

Just like a diamonds you shine resplendently. Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter and Light,

Queen Diva


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