Begin Again! by Queen Diva


Today's Diva's Diamonds: 4/19/21

Begin Again! I'm a bit late in sharing today's Diva's Diamonds. I was up late last night working on an assignment due this Saturday. I want to talk about when there may be a time in your life that you make a decision that you really did not think through completely, but just wanted to get something done. Only to cause grief and misunderstanding that did not need to occur with someone.

Begin Again! Make sure to listen intently to a person(s) concerns completely, respond that you understand, share your point of view and apologize for your actions sincerely. Then wait for the person(s) you offended either receive your apology or not. At the same time do not allow the those who are offended to continually offend you with words that seem as though they dismissed your apology.

Begin Again! Just know it is better to admit your poor decision choice and own up to your part in offending others, yet it is not okay for others to make you feel vexed because they are not quite ready to receive your apology. Continue to listen and allow for forgiveness to happen. It may not happen in the moment. It may take a few hours later or even days later. But stand firm in your apology and sincerity.

Begin Again! It may take a while to gain the person(s) trust in you and your actions, yet if they know your over all character and nature to be a person of good character and professionalism only time will tell how they will receive you or always have a raised eyebrow of your actions. In the meantime forgive yourself for making a poor decision, pick yourself up, dust yourself off...

Begin Again!

Just like a diamond you shine resplendently. Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter and Light,

Queen Diva


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