I'm Competing In The Women Business Leaders and Entrepreneur Pageant Ultimate Queen Pageant 2022

WBLEP Ultimate Queen Pageant 2022

I'm so elated to share that I will be competing as Ms. WIBOP 2020 in the Women Business Leaders and Entrepreneur Pageant Ultimate Queen Pageant 2022 June 16-19, 2022 at The Renaissance Hotel in Orlando, Florida. It is the "Queen of Queens" competition for all queens within the WBLEP pageant system. 


My platform is The Rhythm and Blues Preservation Society where I am the Artist-in-Residence and named VP/COO on the Board of Directors. This nonprofit is on a mission to preserve Black Music Culture one record at a time via college classroom tours, lecture series, panel discussions, Instagram Live broadcast, online radio programming, live music performances and spearheading African American Music Studies in colleges and universities as a degree program.

I would absolutely love your support as a Patron! I am asking for $100, $75, $50, $25 or $10 funding to go towards my journey towards winning this title.

Cash App:




Email me at sef@divinevoicesmedia.com
