Today's Diva's Diamonds:

To Be Seasoned Is Just Right!

Just like with a really good stew or gumbo, "To be seasoned is just right," so is growing older and wiser on earth. I have to admit I am still adjusting to turning 50 years young! LOL! That's right I am half of a century old! Some days I feel like I have been on this earth all of those years and other days I feel like I do not know a thing! LOL! I am thankful that I am seasoned because the wisdom that I have acquired and blessed to know I share daily to all that come my way.

There is nothing wrong or bad or sad about growing older. The more that the seasonings sit in a pot or a bowl the better it gets! LOL! I want to encourage anyone reading this post that is struggling with growing older and not happy about being called a "Seasoned Professional or Elder" I just want to say that many people do not get the blessing to grow older. Many became descendants sooner than later.

You have an amazing opportunity to share your wisdom with others so that they too can become seasoned one day!

To Be Seasoned Is Just Right!

Just like a diamonds you shine resplendently! Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva
