Diva's Diamonds Celebrates 3rd Anniversary on Blogger.com by Queen Diva

Today's Diva's Diamonds:
Celebrating our 3rd Anniversary on Blogger.com!!! Blessings, P.I.N.K. Diamonds! I never would have imagined that so much would come from me starting this blog three years ago on July 22, 2010 while living with my brother in Houston, TX! LOL! I was right in the mist of my spiritual journey following exactly what God wanted me to do in complete obedience and it was so very challenging! I was attending World Changers Church Houston and named the Music Administrator/Praise Team Leader. I wasn't working a day job an applying for work every single day and signed up with five different temp agencies calling in every week hoping that I would get work! I kept praying to God to please open a door for financial blessings to come pouring down upon me and for me to continue to be obedient to HIS will for my life. But I prayed that prayer for months and I never got called in for work but every need was met for me, my daughter and my brother. I thank God for my brother helping me throughout my journey from 2005 to 2012! For seven years even though he didn't understand what I was going through he was my guardian angel and assisted me when I needed him the most! My brother's name so fitting is Gabriel! LOL! And what's so amazing as he watched my journey he soon went on his own and remembered how I handled myself and he pressed on through his own spiritual development and growth! Today three years later... I am living in NYC, an Associate Minister at First Step Ministry Church of Christ Disciples of Christ in Brooklyn where I've preached my 1st sermon as a Teacher in May 2013 and on path to become an Elder, completed my debut on Off-Broadway, dating a man I adore tremendously, performed on TBN's JCTV, on the cover of BBW Beauties as the 2013 April Covergirl, 2013 National Spokesperson/Director of Ambassadors/Integrity Beauty Woman of Grace for Integrity Beauty Woman of Excellence, preparing to take my Phyllis Hyman tribute to Broadway and soon release an Ep of my live performances in 2012-13 and appear in films and more television in the very near future. Whew!

I started Diva's Diamonds-Words to Inspire, Empower and Encourage three years ago because I was so led to share with others who may be in search of spiritual enlightenment when trying to maintain their physical lives working and existing on earth! As spiritual beings in human bodies it is so important that we feed both our natural and supernatural self! I totally understood that during my 9 year journey! I endured so much in 2010 with battles with my family who didn't believe in my decision to follow Christ all the way even if it meant giving up my worldly possessions, giving my daughter to my aunt to take care of her while I traveled from Chicago to New Orleans to Washington, DC to Conroe, TX to do what God had for me to do. I was in a shelter in Chicago but it was also a part of a Bible Program that was in conjunction with Moody Bible Institute and "Shackled" the longest running Christian radio theater program with Pacific Garden Mission that is over 150 years ago serving the Chicagoland community. My family tried to commit me in August 2010 an insane asylum in Houston, TX because they just didn't believe I was sane in my decision to press on no matter how bad it got for me I just believe God would get me out and take me through and in three days I was released out of the asylum with a clean bill of mental health. During that time I was in the asylum I wrote the entire "Love Is" P.I.N.K. Diamonds Collection eBook. God just poured into my heart what love was and I had to walk in LOVE no matter what was thrown at me by family, friend or foe! Then my father died in December of 2010 and I was devastated. I didn't really get to know him because I grew up away from him in Houston and he spent all of his life in New York City. I cried "If Only" tears for days because I wanted to know my Daddy and I knew I never would, yet God made a way out of no way to send me and my brother up to his "Homegoing" Service because he was saved in Christ Jesus before he died. Through all of that I blogged on Diva's Diamonds and I healed through my writing by sharing my journey and words divinely given to me by God Almighty! Even with all of that I was a plus model, beauty queen, online radio personality, author, vocalist and minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God would not allow me to show my hurt, disappointments, sadness, despair, weariness or doubts before the world because HE would say, "Ministry doesn't stop! No matter what the world throws at you keep serving to the very end. Just as I served while hanging on the cross and slowly bleeding to death I invited one last soul to Paradise!" Glory to God! I never forgot those words Jesus spoke into my spirit and so I pressed on! It's amazing that it was only three years ago because at the time it was the hardest thing I've ever gone through and I thought I would never get through the heartbreak or the hurt but I'm a living witness that God is a HEALER! I asked for both forgiveness against those who wronged me and to healed from my heartbreak and God answered my prayers!

We are celebrating our 3rd Anniversary on Blogger.com!

Three years is a major milestone for me because I remember when I was in college attending Prairie View A&M University, a part of the Texas A&M University system, I would think to myself how in the world am I going to continue on? This is so hard and I feel like I'm not getting anywhere taking all of these classes but the classes that I need to take aren't offered until different semesters of the the year. I've felt this similar way writing this blog because my enthusiasm to write more consistently has fallen off throughout this year only because of all that I've been trying to do and hoping to do in my life has not panned out and I just wouldn't express myself through this blog as I had planned to do. God reminded me that I have to press on towards the mark no matter what. Just as I had to do when I was in college I have to be the same way with this blog! So many P.I.N.K. Diamonds worldwide are reading this blog and blessing hundreds of thousands of people in a mighty way. So I can't allow my discouragement of how my life is going to stop me for ministering through this blog! I am so very thankful for this blog and ALL of you who read it! I ask for your forgiveness in not sharing more of myself throughout the year as I really should have done. I promise to blog more and to just give what God has told me to do for all are in need to be inspired, empowered and encouraged to become FLAWLESS!

Here's a Gift from Me to YOU!

It's Diva's Diamonds 3rd Anniversary and I'm so very honored to share with you all on this blog! I thank you all for your support, love, prayers and loyalty in reading faithfully for the last three years! You are totally appreciated and LOVED by me truly! I want to say this to those who are in the mist of their journey and it's really becoming very challenging for you! When I was not working, no income in sight and solely relying on God's sons and daughters who were obedient to giving me money when the Lord led them to sow into me and my ministry what kept me going in my darkest hour was knowing that God had not forgotten me! I would hear a whisper from the Holy Spirit telling me that God has NOT forgotten me and that I will get past this test because God knew me before I was created in my mother's womb and knew exactly what I could and could not handle! Even in the mist of tears of frustration and not having any money, food, a job, a love of my life, a place to call my own or new clothes or shoes to wear I was constantly reminded that this too shall pass. I must be thankful and ready for my next blessing that would lead to my overflow at God's divine timing!

 Be My Guest, P.I.N.K. Diamonds!

I personally want to welcome you to join me virtually in celebrating our 3rd Anniversary on Blogger.com and I hope that you would share with me how Diva's Diamonds-Words to Inspire, Empower and Encourage has blessed you in the last three years! It would truly bless me to hear from you ALL!

Just like a diamond you shine resplendently....Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva


  1. Well that’s really great and I appreciate it. Thanks for taking the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.
    diamonds texas

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. My apologies for just now seeing this post 9 years later. I hope all is well with you and yours. I have been consistent in keeping Diva's Diamonds going strong for this year makes 12 years! I will post more often! Peace & Love!


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