Strength of a Woman: My Phyllis Hyman Tribute On Broadway by Queen Diva

Today's Diva's Diamonds:
Strength of a Woman: My Phyllis Hyman Tribute on Broadway...It's been a while since my last post! Please forgive me for the lapse in my updates! I have been extremely busy with my clients...letting some go and working with another closely with a CD release party, press releases, photo shoots and so on. Also, I've been preparing for my own Off-Broadway debut coming in May 2013!!! YAY! This is a dream come true for me and I'm so excited! I've wanted to do a tribute show to one of my biggest musical influences the Legendary Phyllis Hyman for about 7 years! I just prayed about it in December 2012 and ask the Lord to lead me to a venue that I can have my show and I wanted it to be Off or On Broadway as well as be in complete control of the creative direction! Well, God answered my prayer! AMEN! I will be presenting "Strength of a Woman: A Tribute to Phyllis Hyman" at the Metropolitan Room on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at 7 pm, which is the #1 Jazz Cabaret venue in Manhattan! I recruited Tracy Stark, a multi MAC & Bistro Award-winning Musical Director/Pianist, and I'm doing all of the promotions, marketing and musical direction! Whew!

I asked for this and what a challenge this has been! I'm merely a month and a half away from my debut and I'm still getting sponsors for my show! I never imagined in a million years that a year after I returned back to NYC I would be scheduled to perform at a premier venue Off Broadway after years of singing in juke joints, holes-in-the-walls, empty chairs at open mics because I would be next to last to sing and karaoke shows where people were talking louder than I was singing! LOL! I know all that I endured for so many years were "character building experiences" and to toughen my skin for criticism both constructive and non-constructive!

I share my testimony for you all because I sense that many of you are still wondering if you will ever have your dream fulfilled? I'm here to tell you with a resounding YES, IT SHALL COME TO PASS! I've waiting for the last 9 years to be able to sing again the way that I've always dreamed in NYC and the promises of God that I've held in my spirit are slowly coming to pass! I've always wanted to be on Broadway on my terms and this is my opportunity! Granted I'm doing all of the work without a budget but I'm reminded constantly that GOD IS MY SOURCE and NOT MAN! All I have to do is my part and allow God to do HIS! AMEN! GLORY TO GOD! I can't be concerned with what I don't have right now all I can do is know my music in excellence, prepare my monologues that I want to present in conjunction to the songs that I've selected that are my favorite by Ms. Hyman, sing where God leads me to sing to get exposure and talk to everyone I know about becoming a Ticket, Product, Service or Monetary Sponsor for the show!

What I find interesting is not everyone is willing to actually participate in helping you with your dream but they are supportive with words of encouragement! I can never be mad about positiveness but when I ask people I know have money and they won't help I find that odd. But then God reminds me that not everyone is meant to be with you at the beginning of your dream laying the foundation. Many people like to watch you build first and then they will join the party once everything is laid down and formed. While others would rather just watch you do it all on your own.

I get that. I believe all of this strengthens me. There's definitely strength in the power of NO! LOL! I'm learning that both being told that by close friends and strangers! I can say I was disappointed but at the same time anything that will prepare me for the GREATNESS and ELEVATION that God has for me I welcome with open arms! Disappointment comes and goes but the conditioning that is happening in the NO will last a lifetime as I walk in VICTORY for the rest of my days on earth! I get that now and I hope that sharing my testimony on my progression for my show will help you too! I realize that as I research and prepare for this how not only am I finding out about the strength in Phyllis Hyman during her lifetime but also the strength that lye within me to produce, perform and prepare for my debut. "Strength of a Woman" truly comes from within not no matter what the circumstances on the outside....I must press on! AMEN!

I want to invite you all to my show! Although the venue only holds 135 people if I have a SOLD OUT show then I will make arrangement to see if we can broadcast the show live online!

Click this link to purchase your tickets TODAY!

Check out my performance at Bernie's Sing Your Heart Out Showcase 
@ The Metropolitan Room 1-21-13

Just like a diamond you shine resplendently...Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva
