I See You! by Queen Diva

Today's Diva's Diamonds:
I See You...It's Sensational Saturday, P.I.N.K. Diamonds! Have you ever just looked at your friends or even family members for the first time and think...You are truly an AMAZING person!?!  I thought of Bruno Mars' song "Just The Way You Are" and I found this spectacular accapella version of his song by Nota who were NBC's Sing Off 1st Champions! Every time I listen to this I just SMILE!!! LOL!

                                                            Nota-NBC's Sing Off 1st Champions

I just did that with one of my dear friends of almost three years and we've never met in person or even talked on the phone but we are connected every day almost all day long online! I mean this person knows me better than anyone that has known me my entire life and for the FIRST time today the scales on my eyes were lifted and I saw my dear friend for the FIRST time! I truly felt like how Lois Lane must have felt when Clark Kent took off his glasses and she looked at him for the first time and saw SUPERMAN! LOL! WOW! I felt honored to know this person and completely CLUELESS to whom I was talking to all these years! If you've ever heard Pastor Paula White say, "You don't have a clue who you are sitting next to!" That statement rang true for me this morning! I share a WORD of the Day with this very same friend every single morning and the word today was REFLECTION! 

P.I.N.K. Diamonds I want to encourage you all to do the same before you go any further into 2013! REFLECTION can mean both seeing your image in a mirror or thinking about things in your mind. I recommend highly that you ALL do BOTH! If you want to go further than you've ever gone before in your life, achieve more success than you've ever imagined and have the financial security you've always dreams it all starts with REFLECTION! You have to look at yourself and fully assess who you are, what you want to become, where you want to go and how you can get there? You can not go any further in your life doing the same thing and wanting different results! It's just not in the Law of Success! It's time for YOU to REFLECT on what you've done, what you want to accomplish this year and then NIKE=JUST DO IT!

God SEES YOU! Yes, each and everyday of your life God sees everything thing that you DO and DO NOT! Sometimes God shakes His head with a FROWN and other times He nods His head with a SMILE looking at YOU! Yes, YOU reading this post right now! YOU are AMAZING just the way you are! Yet there is always room for improvement! AMEN! LOL! 

Share with me what you will be REFLECTING on for the month of January 2013! I want to be with you every step of the way of you "Living Your Dreams in 2013!"

Just like a Diamond you shine RESPLENDENTLY...Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva
