Welcome to FALL 2012! by Queen Diva

Today's Diva's Diamonds:
Welcome to FALL 2012! I LOVE Autumn! It's officially here and what a wonderful time of the year! It's also a time of HARVEST! All that you have been working on from the beginning of the year will now come together and birth out a beautiful creation! I want to encourage those who believe that you are not seeing the fruits of your labor in the mist of not having enough or living on just enough! I totally understand! Believe me I do! Just know that God sees all that you do, all the tears that you've shed, all the blood and sweat you squeezed out of yourself while planning and preparing towards your future.

It's not easy but anything that is worth fighting for is going to give you a challenge. If wasn't challenging then everyone will be doing it and having a blast without any sense of accomplishment or quality towards it! You must know that your toil is not punishment by God but only to condition you and prepare you for your success! Your HARVEST cannot come unless you toiled the land, sowed the seed, watered the seed and allowed God to do HIS part for the seed to grow!

I know that frustration seems to knock on your door everyday! I know that you are ready to give up and not look for another job, start another proposal, begin re-writing another resume, applying for another college or auditioning for another show! God sees you and you are not forgotten! Your talents and gifts will be rewarded and your HARVEST is near!

Enjoy this FALL 2012 and have GREAT EXPECTANCY in receiving what you have worked so hard for many months and for others years! It shall come to pass! Keep going and know that God is with you every step of the way!

Just like a diamond you shine resplendently...Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva
