You Must Accept What God Calls You In Order For God To Use YOU by Queen Diva 8-6-12


Today's Diva's Diamonds:
You Must Accept What God Calls You In Order For God To Use YOU....It's Magnificent Monday, August 6, 2012 and as I reflect on the wonderful weekend I had I must share a WORD with you that God had me share with a woman at the bus stop in Harlem, USA on Saturday evening. After my performance I walked to my bus stop and waited for my bus. The Lord told me to ask the woman standing next to me if she is a "Missionary" or an "Evangelist?" So I did just that and asked the woman, "Are you a missionary or an evangelist?" She smiled at me, shook her head and then said, " You honor me with those words...I do missions but I am not a missionary or an evangelist." I then shared with her what God told me to tell her..."In order for God to use you...YOU must accept what God calls you in order for HIM to take you places you've never been. If you do missions then you are a missionary....Missionary! Receive these words and begin to walk in what God calls you! HE can't use you until you do!" The woman just smile and said, "Thank you, Woman of God...I receive your words and I will do just that." I told her that is all that the Lord wanted me to tell her because you already know what HE's been telling you for a while. It's time to walk in what God calls you so HE can use YOU! The woman nodded her head in agreement, smiled and then got on the bus.

I'm sharing this with you all today to express two things....One... You NEVER know when God will use you to pass on a WORD to someone who may need just a little nudge to get on the right path and embrace who they are in the spirit and Two...If you do not embrace what God calls you then God won't be able to use YOU for HIS glory! Here's an example in the Holy Bible within the Book of Judges Chapter 6 God calls Gideon a "mighty warrior" and yet Gideon refuses to accept those words of encouragement and empowerment from God. Gideon threshes wheat for a living and has NEVER fought in a battle in his life. Why would God call him a "mighty warrior?" God calls Gideon that because that is what God created Gideon to be and only in God's "divine timing" will God call on HIS creation who they are to fulfill what God created for him to do. Amazing, right?

Every single person on this earth was created by God to do something to glorify God in excellence! The only reason that everyone doesn't do what they were created to do is because of "CHOICE" and that is it! You can choose to accept what God calls you to do with your life or you can choose what you want to do and it will be far less than magnificent than if you were obedient to what God created and calls you to do! Gideon made the decision to "EMBRACE" what God called him and was a "MIGHTY WARRIOR!"

What does God call YOU? A Teacher, Preacher, Scientist, Artist, Chef, Singer, Dancer, Doctor, Lawyer or as in the words of Florence Johnson on an American Iconic show called The Jeffersons..."I'm a Household Technician or for everyone else in the world a "Maid." Whatever God calls you receive that title and do in excellence for the Glory of God! Everyone has "GREATNESS" in them to do something that God specifically placed inside of them to bless others every single day!

I challenge you to pray and meditate on what God calls you. If you do not know then you need to fast, pray and meditate for God to reveal to you what HE calls you. Once you know without any doubt then I highly encouarge you to do it in EXCELLENCE at all times! God sees all and knows all. God wants you to receive the words as you read this post to embrace what HE calls you and then begin to walk in it purposefully, prayerfully and mindfully always!

Just like a diamond you shine resplendently....Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva


  1. Replies
    1. Blessings, UnBelievable Jones! I'm so blessed to share this word to all! I pray it empowered and encouraged you in a mighty way! Peace & Love~Queen Diva


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