Be Still And Know That I Am God by Queen Diva 7-30-12
Today's Diva's Diamonds:
Be Still And Know That I Am God...It's Magnificent Monday, P.I.N.K. Diamonds! I know that there are many of you who are thinking about the cares of the world and it's bringing you down. I want to say to you that everything is purposeful and God is always in control. What do I mean by everything is purposeful? Well, when bad things happens it causes us to reflect, pray, heal and draw closer to God. Everything that happens in this world is purposeful for you to draw closer to God. Your failures, disappointments, losses, and defeats all are purposeful for you to draw closer to God. I also want to say that God is always in control of every situation. You may have lost your job or can't find a job. You may be getting evicted from your home or don't have enough gas to get through the week! Whatever your situation when you seek God intimately for yourself and build a relationship with Him you will see that God has you in His hands even in the mist of turmoil. You can have peace like you've never know once you embrace that God will take care of YOU.
There are many of you waiting on blessings to manifest and you are wondering if God still hears you and if you will ever see your blessing in your lifetime. The answer is YES you will receive your blessings and promises that God has spoken to you in your lifetime. Right now it's time to BE STILL and know that God is GOD. This is not a time in your life to keep trying to figure things out for yourself. This is a time to keep preparing for your blessing and be ready to receive it at any giving moment. Too many of you are trying to do God's job and God is not pleased. You can't out do or out give God. So it is best that you just BE STILL. I know that is a very hard thing to do when you are ready to do something or call somebody or make plans for yourself. But let me tell you that nothing that you can figure out on your own will be greater than what God has already done in TIME. Remember God is the author and finisher of TIME. It is already done we just have to live life to see it manifest. Your thoughts are not God's thoughts nor your ways God's ways. God is SOVEREIGN, RIGHTEOUS, HOLY, OMNISCIENT AND GLORIOUS! There is nothing that you can do on your own that will be GREATER than what God has already done for you in TIME.
God says, "Be still and know that I am God." I challenge you all to be obedient and WATCH GOD HAPPEN! Your breakthrough is closer than you think! All that you have been praying for and preparing for will come to you! In the meantime be at peace and bloom where you are planted. God's got you! Don't worry and don't keep trying to figure out a plan. Just keep working on the last word that God gave you to do in excellence. God sees you and know exactly what you NEED!
Just like a diamond you shine RESPLENDENTLY! Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!
Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva
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