How To Receive by Queen Diva 4-2-12
Today's Diva's Diamonds:
How to Receive...Today I will discuss how do you receive from others? You may be thinking...Diva why are you explaining to me how to receive? I'm so glad you were thinking that very question. Many of us do not know how to RECEIVE. We can become so busy giving, giving and giving that we just don't know how to RECEIVE when someone is trying to GIVE to us. Let me share an example....Perhaps you are the type of person who has always giving a kind word every single day you go to work or to school just complimenting people on their work performance, attire or personality, yet no one ever says anything to you. You don't mind because you are a GIVER. Then one day someone actually comes to you and tries to GIVE to you or pour LOVE upon you and you RUN or REJECT what is poured into you. That is what I want to discuss today because it's time that you learn How to RECEIVE!
Why am I say this? The reason why I'm saying this because YOU are missing out on LOVE. Yes, YOU the "GIVER" who never gets a genuine hug for no reason, YOU who never has anyone buy your lunch or dinner just because, YOU who never has anyone offer to buy you a cup of coffee in the morning when you really could use a cup, but you are so busy helping others that you neglect yourself. Or even YOU who has never known PURE LOVE before and when someone tries to give it to you begin blow up or get mad or even dismiss the LOVE as nothing or you may say that you are not worthy because you are a servant of God. Let me clarify that EVERYONE deserves LOVE for GOD is LOVE and everyone should have GOD poured into them. PERIOD.
We can be so "spiritual" that we are no EARTHLY good! AMEN, somebody! LOL! We have to learn to RECEIVE!!! So how do you receive...First you say two simple words....THANK YOU! Yes, LOL! It really does just start with saying, "Thank You" and then it follows with a smile. LOL! That's just way too simple to comprehend, right? When you are so used to always saying, "Here you go!" or "Do you want this?" or even "I wanted to GIVE you something." When all YOU have to do is just say, "THANK YOU" and smile. Another way to receive is to open your arms so that someone can give you a HUG! Can you just have a HUG? LOL! You carry so many CARES on your shoulders and you are always thinking of others, but can you just RECEIVE a hug so that someone can pour PURE LOVE into your spirit? Hallelujah, LIGHTS! LOL!
Now you may be thinking how are those ways to RECEIVE? I'm so glad you were thinking that! LOL! (I read minds as a side hustle! LOL! Just kidding!) When you say thank you, smile and open your arms it a way of releasing your CONTROL. Yes, control is something givers really have a handle on. When you let go and release CONTROL of always being in control and allow others to SERVE you then you can be BLESSED. Whew! That was not what you were expecting to read, right? LOL! Well, it's true. When you GIVE the balance is to TAKE. There cannot be BALANCE in your life if you are always giving and never take what is shared with YOU!
I challenge you to make steps this week on making a CHOICE to RECEIVE all week LONG!!! I mean that. YES, I'm talking to you reading this post! YOU are reading this because you GIVE more than you RECEIVE and it's now time for you to release your CONTROL on always giving and allow God to give you LOVE in many forms that LIFE can bring to YOU! I know I'm still learning how to RECEIVE but I'm much better now than I was some years ago.
I'd LOVE to hear your PRAISE REPORT on what you are doing to be a RECEIVER! AMEN! Write your comments on this post!
Just like a diamond you shine resplendently...Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!
Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva
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