Moving Forward by Queen Diva 3-18-12

Today's Diva's Diamonds:
It's been a month since my last post and so much has been going on professionally and personally for me! I took a month off to move to San Antonio, Texas to see what God had in store for me and I've been preparing all of my online presence so that it is all on ONE accord! I'm planning to do a music showcase in New York City in June 2012 along with attending the Full Figure Fashion Week! I'm totally trusting in the Lord to work all of this out for me while I still do what is required of me right where I am. God told me it's time to get back to posting on Diva's Diamonds and encourage the world. It's time for us all to keep "MOVING FORWARD!"

I can hear Israel Houghton's song in my head as I write this post and the lyrics are so REAL! "I'm not going back, I'm moving ahead, I'm here to declare to you, my past is over in you, all things are made new, surrendered my life to Christ, I'm moving...MOVING FORWARD! I basically paused after Whitney Houston Home-going Service and just did a lot of reading, revamping to my website and various webpages for the last month. I truly thought I would meet her one day and now that it isn't possible I hope that all that I do will inspire, empower and encourage someone who watches me to be the BEST that they can be!

It's time for us all who have been on hold to keep MOVING FORWARD! Whatever has happened to you to make you stop living or pursuing your DREAM I'm here to tell you keep MOVING FORWARD! Great is thy faithfulness! God sees all of your efforts and it will not go unnoticed or unrewarded! Your DREAM is in you for a purpose and it's all about "Divine Timing" when your season will come to pass! I know that sometimes it may seem like no one is listening to you or paying you any mind. But know that GOD sees you and that's all that really matters! The WORD of God (Holy Bible) says that God will make room for your talents! So it is important for you to be ready when the time comes for you to share your gift to the world no matter what it may be! I'm talking to myself too! I've been waiting on many promises of God to come to pass and they have yet to materialize but I just BELIEVE God at HIS word that it shall come to pass!

Whatever you are BELIEVING God for in your life know that God doesn't want you to stand still and not do anything while you are waiting! DO all that you know to do and ALLOW God to do the REST! Keep praying, fasting, believing, working, studying, practicing and preparing until your VICTORY is WON! Keep MOVING FORWARD! God is with you every step of the way! Your BREAKTHROUGH is almost here!

Just like a diamond you shine resplendently...Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva
