Happy February 2012 by Queen Diva 2-1-12

Today's Diva's Diamonds:
Happy February 2012! This month is the month for LOVE!!! I just LOVE love! Don't you? It seems that so many people are too busy trying to find it, flaunt it, contain it, parade it, avoid it, run from it and embrace it! God is LOVE and if we could just truly understand just how much God LOVES us all we wouldn't do the things we do or act the way that we act. Many of us act like we don't know how precious we are and hurt ourselves daily with words or to the extreme towards suicide. LOVE is inside of us ALL! There isn't one person on earth that isn't capable of LOVE whether giving it or receiving it but it's a matter of CHOICE if we will shut down or open up to receive LOVE! When we begin to believe the lie that the "enemy" tells us that we are unworthy, unloved, unwanted and unlovable that's when we lose HOPE and fall out of LOVE.

There is always HOPE....for there is always LOVE! God is in us ALL! God doesn't want us to stop living and hurting and shutting down to stop receiving HIM! When you shut down to LOVE you are shutting down to God! YOU ARE LOVABLE, YOU ARE NEEDED, YOU ARE WANTED, YOU ARE WORTHY OF LOVE!!! There are so many of you who simply do not believe that secretly or out in the open. No matter what you have done or said in the past YOU ARE LOVED!

During the entire month of LOVE....February 2012 I challenge YOU, P.I.N.K. Diamonds to LOVE on YOU and the people in your life whom you ADORE! Take steps daily to compliment, engage in conversation, email a note, mail a Valentine's Day card, watch a television show or go shopping with people you LOVE. Take baby steps if this is something you've NEVER done before and just start by giving a $5 dollar gift card to someone you LOVE at their favorite coffee shop or online store. If you don't have money then give them a "HUG Certificate" that you can make and give them 7 of them for 7 days of the week and tell them whenever they want to collect on a "HUG" to give you the certificate and watch LOVE happen! This may seem strange at first but try it and then try something else. Let me know how this goes the entire month of LOVE...February 2012!

Someone needs LOVE from YOU today! No matter if they are across the room or across the country! Show LOVE to someone that comes to mind that you LOVE and WATCH GOD=LOVE happen! So many suicides could be prevented if the person knew that they knew that they knew there was HOPE and LOVE still happens! God still happens! No matter how bad it looks....There's ALWAYS HOPE! We've got to seek LOVE out and seek out to those who are hurting and need LOVE....UNCONDITIONALLY!

Just like a diamond you shine resplendently...Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva
