Diva's Diamonds: When You've Done All That You Can...by Queen Diva 8-3-11

Today's Diva's Diamonds:
Have you ever heard the song by Donnie McClurkin ..."STAND"....What do you do and you've done all you can and it's never enough? What do you give when you've given your all and it seems like you can't make it through...Well, you just STAND...after you've done all that you can...YOU just STAND! I've been feeling this way for many months because I've been frustrated that I've planned, prepared and prayed and still I haven't seen the FRUITS of my LABOR. I feel like why am I doing all of this and sowing seeds into people, places and things and yet I'm not no where I dreamed, planned and hoped I would be by now. Sigh...If this sounds like you then I here to tell you and this is for me too...STOP IT!

Your labor is never in VAIN for God sees all that you say and do for the KINGDOM as well as for YOURSELF. Make sure that when you are petitioning to God about what you want that it first lines up with God and second that you are realistic about when you should receive what you are asking for. What I mean is if you are asking God for a million dollars then you have to be tested and tried for you to handle having a million dollars. You will have to show God you can handle being a "Dollarnaire!" LOL! It sounds funny but it's true! Are you able to balance your check book with zero to 1,000 dollars in your bank account consistently and effectively every month? If you are able to do that then God will show you that HE will give you more and more money to handle towards becoming a "Millionaire!" If you are believing God for a worldwide ministry or a national magazine publication or selling platinum records then you have to begin right where you are and diligently be a good steward over your finances, planning and volunteers who are helping you right now! Once you show God your commitment, excellence and determination that you are working diligent towards success and not just selfishly then you will see God elevate you from glory to glory to glory! Hallelujah!

I know this may not be something that you want to hear. Believe me when I tell you this is for me too!!! I have been waiting patiently and diligently for many things that God has promised me for 7, 15, 20 years now, but I can honestly say that I'm much closer now than I ever was! I get EXTREMELY frustrated from time to time and I've even shed a tear or two over the years in waiting and watching others I know personally succeed in doing what I've dreamed and prepared myself to do for 20 years! But "Great is thy Faithfulness!" God LOVES a FAITHFUL servant who LOVES HIM and seek HIS face and GLORY and not just FAME & FORTUNE!

Yes...It may be very hard for you right now and you may be eating macaroni & cheese every night or  ramen noodles or you may be eating syrup and bread but you are eating and God sees YOU! HE sees the tears you cry and the struggle you go through every single day! YOU are not forgotten nor forsaken by God! Stay FAITHFUL, COMMITTED AND OBEDIENT to what God has told you to do! Even if you haven't heard from God in a LOOOONNNNGGGG while! Just go by the last word you did receive from God and know that HE's got you in HIS hands!

Stay focused, steadfast and immovable! After you've done ALL you can...you just STAND! STAND on God's WORD...the one HE gave you and the Holy Bible you can read over and over again!

Just like a diamond you shine resplendently...Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva
