Diva's Diamonds: It's A New Season...It's A New Day by Queen Diva! 3-15-11
Today's Diva's Diamonds:
It's A New Season...It's a new day! Spring is almost here!!! Are you ready for the change of SEASON? Every 4 months we have a new SEASON whether we are ready for it or not! Spring into Summer into Fall into Winter without fail our weather is going to change. Animals are going to prepare for their homes, food and families to adjust to the change of temperature. What are you doing for your new SEASON? Are you doing anything at all? You should because with every change of season come a new year and with a new year comes a new age added to your LIFE! Time waits for no one and that includes you reading this blog right now! Yes, YOU reading this blog right now you have to prepare for your new SEASON! You can no longer afford to just wait until the last minute anymore for you are getting older and you have to prepare for what's coming next in your life. If you do not then you will continue to either scramble around when you need a new coat or gloves or shorts and sandals! Or you will do without and suffer through the change of weather without the needed clothes and equipment that you need to survive or thrive! It's time for you to THRIVE and not just survive through SEASONS!!! God wants you to LIVE your LIFE more abundantly not in the "Just Enough" phase anymore. But you won't if you don't start prepare and planning for your NEW SEASON!
I can speak from experience....when I was pregnant with my daughter I knew she was in my belly and I knew she was growing and I knew she was coming but I didn't prepare like I really should have. It wasn't until my girlfriends on my job gave me a baby shower at 6 months that I realized I really need to prepare for my daughter's arrival! That was 6 month way too late for me to wake up and prepare but I was in my late 20's and I really didn't have a clue what I was doing as a young mother. I continued to do things like that for many years until a wonderful woman of God asked me when did you prepare for your daughter's arrival and I realized it wasn't until 6 months into my pregnancy that I started to prepare and she then arrived in the 8th month. So I only had two month after my wake up call to actually prepare for her. I have to say I was truly blessed to have family and friends who came to my rescue to assist me with her from the day that she was born, but what if I didn't have assistance? What if I had no one to help me? I never forgot that and I changed over the years in preparing for things to come. I leave room for God to guide and direct me now more than ever but I learned that I have to prepare for whatever happens in the coming seasons.
I shared this to say that God wants us to be ready for what HE is presenting to us in every new season. We can no longer just wait until the last minute because God is ready to take us to higher heights and greener pastures. God is waiting on us to be ready to receive, mature to take on new responsibilities and patient enough to endure character building experiences to refine us to become "P.I.N.K. Diamonds" and shine resplendently!
I challenge you to be more conscience of being prepared for what is to come NEXT in your LIFE! The NEW SEASON is going to come! Will you be ready for the New Season....for it will be a NEW DAY just as sure as the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
Just like a diamond you shine resplendently...Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!
Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva
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