Diva's Diamonds: Out With The Old...by Queen Diva 12-31-10
Today's Diva's Diamonds:
Out With The Old & In With The New...I instantly thought of this statement when I looked at my blank space for a title. I had a chat fest with a friend that I've known for months that I was to part ways and let go but I just put it off. I enjoyed our fellowship, singing together and our talks but I always had the feeling that if I said one statement or phrase that she didn't like there would be a huge explosion. I didn't like the feeling of having to always walk on "eggshells" when I talked to her and I also didn't like that our conversations were always limited because I didn't trust sharing things with her because she would feel intimidated by my accomplishments or opportunities that we both shared we wanted to achieve but would come to me. I realized that I was allowing her to say whatever she wanted to say to me and I would just let her and not say a word. I just could not continue to keep this friendship and listen to her and feel like a wall instead of a person.
I'm sharing this moment because too many times we put up with friendships and relationships because we don't want to lose a friend but just like the Word of God says....There is season for everything....Friendships are included in that. I knew months ago that I should have said goodbye to my sister/friend from a former church and tonight I simply wrote....goodbye. We must not allow anyone to make us feel hurtful, discouraged and sad when they talk to us. If we tell them their words hurt and they don't apologize or sympathize with our words then it's time to say...Out with the Old and in with the NEW!
I hope that in 2011 you make a choice to choose friends and relationships that sharpen you and not "drain" you. You are worthy of having "Fabulous" friends and there is never a reason to settle for less than "Fabulous!" I learned that I must be obedient in letting people go and not drag relationships out longer than it needs to be. I learned in 2010 to LOVE and when you truly LOVE you can FORGIVE. I also learned that some things are what it seems and to recognize it right away and MOVE FORWARD.
May your 2011 be filled with LOVE, PEACE, HOPE, JOY, WISDOM, LAUGHTER, NEW FRIENDSHIPS/RELATIONSHIPS that are God ordained, blessed and anointed to sharpen, strengthen, inspire, empower and encourage you towards GREATNESS!
Just like a diamond you shine resplendently...Keep Diva's Diamond close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!
Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva
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