Diva's Diamonds: Think P. I . N . K .-Possibilities I Now Know by Queen Diva 8-11-10



Today's Diva's Diamonds:

Some people have wondered why did I choose to use PINK Diamonds as my symbol for Diva's Diamonds? When I was teenager I remembered watching a motivational show on PBS and the woman who was hosting the show said whenever she needs a pick me up about her life and the direction she is going she thinks of the color PINK! Then she explained the acronym for PINK to her meant P.I.N.K.=Possibilities I Now Know! I never forgot those words and it stayed with me for many years. I can recall many times when I would feel blue I would think of the color PINK! LOL! When God gave me this divine vision to share Diva's Diamonds I automatically thought of PINK Diamonds would be my symbol for this mission! Diva's Diamonds are wisdom statements divinely given to me to share with you so that you will think P.I.N.K.=Possibilities I Now Know! There is nothing that you cannot do in the will of God! God wants you to have endless possibilities! God wants you to live your life more abundantly! Use these Diva's Diamonds to help you throughout this glorious journey we call LIFE! Think PINK! But not only PINK but PINK Diamonds for they are one of the most rare and precious gems on Earth! Just like YOU!


Just like a diamond you shine resplendently...Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!


Love, Laughter & Light,

Queen Diva

