Diva's Diamonds: Walk in Victory by Queen Diva 7-23-10

Today's Diva's Diamonds:
Is your name VICTORY? Do you know what being VICTORIOUS really is? Victorious means having achieved a success or triumph over an enemy in battle or war; conquering; triumphantly! It's time for many of us to stop walking around like a VICTIM and hold our heads up high like a VICTOR and WALK IN VICTORY! Have you ever heard the song "My Name Is Victory" by Jonathan Nelson? The lyrics read, "I have evidence, I have confidence, I'm a conqueror, I know that I win, I know who I am , God wrote it in his plan for me, Oh my name is VICTORY!!!I know my identity, my name is VICTORY!" That is an affirmation that I challenge you to say all day today. When you are frustrated about not having a job...My name is VICTORY! While you are trying to figure out how to pay your rent...My name is VICTORY! When you are riding on fumes and you don't know where money is coming from to fill up the tank...My name is VICTORY! When you are so hungry and you don't have enough money to even buy a $.99 burger on the dollar menu at your favorite fast food chain...My name is VICTORY! Or when your child looks at you to buy them a toy, gadget or shoes and you just don't have the money ...My name is VICTORY! Know who you are and proclaim it to the mountaintops from the valley...I WALK in VICTORY....I know who I am...a VICTOR and not a VICTIM! Victors always WIN even when it looks like they are gonna lose they always, always, always...WIN!
Just like a diamond you shine resplendently....Keep Diva's Diamonds close to your heart and know that you are already FLAWLESS!

Love, Laughter & Light,
Queen Diva
